Center for Global Environmental Education

News & Updates:

Free professional development opportunity for teachers. Register now for the 2025 Teacher Rivers Institutes!

Minnesota Public Radio recently covered our work with Ke Kula Niihau O Kekaha school on Kaua'i. Learn more about our work there.

Our Emmy-nominated documentary "A Sea Change for Superior: the Warming of the World's Biggest Lake" just won Best Minnesota Film at the Ely Film Festival.

Check out our newest book, "Drainy Days" - inspired by teachers and students in Minneapolis participating in the Adopt-a-Drain program.

Our Cornerstone Programs

Rivers Institutes, webinars, and graduate courses for educators.

Online K-12 learning resources for teachers and classrooms.

Documentaries, exhibit kiosks, video production, interactive learning programs, and more.

Outreach to raise public awareness and stimulate environmental stewardship.

Over Three Decades of Educational Innovation and Environmental Stewardship

Our purpose: To foster environmental literacy and stewardship in people of all ages.

At the Center for Global Environmental Education (CGEE), a program of Hamline’s School of Education and Leadership, we have built an enduring tradition of educational excellence, innovation, and leadership spanning more than three decades.

Education happens when learners connect with their subject matter. Our work combines storytelling - the world's oldest means of communication - with the modern tools of technology to build that connection. We use our expertise in the four cornerstone programs above to facilitate environmental literacy and stewardship. 

Our work has evolved through the creation and implementation of acclaimed professional development programs for educators, award-winning curricular resources for K-12 students, and multifaceted public outreach and education campaigns that have engaged millions of people. Our work fosters environmental literacy and stewardship, inspiring local action to address pressing global issues.