Professional Development and Graduate Programs

Professional Development 

The Center for Global Environmental Education provides educators with FREE professional development opportunities based on a philosophy of inquiry and field-based learning. We offer immersive teacher institutes as well as webinars that explore our K-12 online educational resources. 

Our FREE professional development Rivers Institutes take teachers out into the field to learn hands-on environmental education and how to integrate our K-12 online resources into the classroom.

Our FREE webinars highlight CGEE’s acclaimed Waters to the Sea K-12 online resources with expertise from guest speakers and diverse partners in environmental education. 

Graduate Programs

CGEE is an integral part of the Hamline University School of Education, which serves more than 8,000 educators annually. The Center brings together faculty, educators, citizens, and a wide range of partner organizations committed to deepening understanding and engaging in thoughtful, effective environmental education.


Sara Robertson
Program Administrator

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